Debbie Grifka
I am Here
58" h x 58" w x .5" d
Artist Statement
I am Here is about the two "me"s. One is the mother, wife, daughter, friend, and community member who cares deeply about the people around her, in our country, and the world. The other is the artist who just wants everyone to go away, leave me alone, and let me get some work done! While these two may not be perfectly merged, they do work in harmony most of the time.
The echo quilting represents my interactions with others and the outside world.
Debbie Grifka is an Ann Arbor, Michigan based textile artist. Having fallen in love with fabric as a child, she now creates graphic, minimal works using traditional quilting techniques.
Debbie's current work explores the intersection of drama and serenity while showing the power and beauty of line. She often works in black and white.
Her quilt, Canterbury #2, won first place in Appliqué at QuiltCon, the annual show of the Modern Quilt Guild, in 2018. Her 2018 100 Day Project, 100 Days of Improv Appliqué, was included in a special exhibit at QuiltCon 2019.
Debbie's work has been exhibited at previous QuiltCons and at the International Quilt Festival in Houston and Chicago. Her work has been published in many book and magazines including Curated Quilts and Modern Patchwork. Her book, Lines by Design Quilts was published in 2016.